Building land in Niedersachsen
Finding a commercial area
A commercial area (German: GE) is a specially designated zone within a municipality in which predominantly commercial or business enterprises are permitted. As a partner of the municipalities in Niedersachsen, komsis presents you with a large number of areas that are specifically designated by the local government authorities as commercial areas or business parks and on which vacant building plots are still available. You can filter these areas in the Search under Business Sites. You will find out immediately if you are permitted to locate a commercial business within this area.
Choosing the location for your commercial site
The first focus in choosing the right building plot for a business is usually the location. Most companies already have a location in mind when looking for a commercial property in Niedersachsen. But especially with new larger-scale settlements, it's worth taking a look "outside the box" beyond the obvious horizon. In the rural areas of Niedersachsen you can find attractive development areas designated as commercial space on very good terms. Our location profiles are there to help you get an overview of the local conditions.
Size of the business site
The size of the plot depends on the type of trade or business. In the rural areas of Niedersachsen, very large areas are available, which makes the settlement of land-intensive enterprises worthwhile. In the cities and urban areas, commercial land for building is understandably scarcer. An overview map with all available building areas is displayed immediately after your search.
Ensuring the right infrastructure in Niedersachsen
The location of your commercial property is crucial for your economic success. So, before any decision, the building plot infrastructure should be scrutinised. It's best to create a checklist – that makes it easier to keep an eye on all the relevant aspects. Moreover, such an overview is a good tool to have when you visit potential commercial properties.
Important criteria for a building plot are:
- Proximity to the motorway
- Proximity to a public transport network
- Shipping and airport connections
- Population figures for the surrounding area
- Economic strength locally
- Employment structure locally
For your employees, however, other criteria are of equal significance, such as the schools and kindergartens in the vicinity and the local medical care. The quality of leisure and recreational facilities in the area should not be neglected either when choosing your appropriate business site.
Development of the building plot
The development level of the commercial area should inform any site decision. Development, i.e. the connection of utilities and infrastructure, comprises all the construction measures and legal regulations to allow a full use of the building land. In accordance with the effort and expense required for the development, these costs are to be paid to the municipal authorities. In addition, further costs may also arise from any rehabilitation of contaminated sites.
In their capacity as partners of the municipalities in Niedersachsen, the local business development agencies will be happy to give you information about the development status of the commercial estate. A list of all contacts can be found under Network partners.
Buying or leasing land
As a rule, the building plots offered in the commercial real estate listings are for sale. A few commercial sites can also be leased. Enter the word "lease" or "rent" under your search terms.